The Trend 963 software is a real time user interface for a building control system (BMS). The software enables the user to monitor plant or building services and makes changes to the way the building is controlled from a graphical display.

Trend has recently announced that the 963 software is becoming obsolete and unsupported. Because of this, users need to consider an upgrade. As should a problem occur with the 963 software, Trend support will not be a liable option.

Alternatives to explore would be the Trend IQVision software or different BMS provider Priva or Tridium. Publicstar can help with any of these options.

IQVision is a building monitoring and management solution built upon the powerful Niagara 4 platform. IQVision is more in-keeping with modern demands. Its capabilities involve integrating Trend controllers, third party devices and internet protocols into a centralised software platform that is designed to manage buildings at an extensive level.

IQVISION serves real-time graphical information to a standard web-browser and also provides server-level functions such as:

  • centralized data logging
  • archiving
  • alarming
  • trending
  • master scheduling
  • system-wide database management
  • integration with enterprise software applications – all of which can be used for highlighting and investigating energy use within buildings.

Alternatively, you can consider a Priva Building Management System. Priva Building Automation products and services help building owners create environments where people feel confident, while using energy as sustainably as possible.

A Priva system also allows the flexibility of monitoring via a PC or Mobile via a cloud software subscription service. The cloud-connected application offers a real-time insight into the status of your system and also allows you to make adjustments as desired to any weekly schedules or setpoint changes. The system also automatically updates on a weekly basis and sends notifications if any issues are discovered via alarms.

Well known historical buildings such as Westminster Abbey and St Pauls cathedral, both have Priva BMS Controls. If you are interested in a Priva system upgrade, please speak to one of our team.

Westminster Abbey

A third option to consider is a Tridium Building Management System. Tridium is a software company that develops building automation systems and other engineering control systems. Tridium’s products are designed to help optimize buildings, data centres, and other systems by integrating devices and systems into a single interface.

Tridium had created a software platform, the Niagara Framework. The software provides connectivity, cyber security, control, data management, device management for extracting real-time data and achieving energy performance goals, the occupants comfort and any desired outcomes.

Publicstar would be delighted to quote or offer professional advice for each of the upgraded Building Management Systems above. With over 30 years’ experience, our team can be a helping hand for choosing the best system to suit your own needs or goals.

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